It's Best to Talk About the Serious Stuff While the Eyes of the Nation are On the Olympics

The point of this blog is to start a dialogue between the GOP Establishment, the Tea Party, and the Moderates. The goal is for the people "in the middle" that will decide the election to have a voice at the table. The next election is the most important one on my generation.

The Economy is a House of Cards:  Can We Trust the Government to Become Our Provider?

America is at a "Fork in the Road" (I would say Crossroad but someone else is already using that term: Damn Texan).

In November we will decide as a country if were going to have our economy driven by government programs and if we want the government to decide on what kind of car we drive, what kind of job we can get, what food we eat, what moral we will live by. That scares me. 

Years ago I traveled to the USSR and was a foot soldier in the battle to end communism. The Russian people at that time "lived in lines" - everyone ate the same bread - each person was given 125-175 square feet of living space. If your apartment was too big the government gave you a roommate. When I was there a holiday similar to Valentines day was happening and the Soviet men took pride in being able to give their loved ones a single flower.  In Leningrad I met a man that did not eat lunch for a week just to buy that single flower.

Recently at Starbucks I talked to the lady who most mornings automatically starts making a double cupped bold when I walk through the door. Some days I will sit in the chair by the window and just google and rant about politics and I watch her clean windows, empty garbage, refill the sugar and creamer, and she is kind to everyone that enters. She told me yesterday when I complemented her on her weight "It's because I became a vegetarian."

Flashback: As a child I took on the vegan lifestyle for a few years after my mom took me to a cockfight in Thailand... That and having watch documentaries of baby seals being clubbed to death by communist. YES!! I was raised by crazed Neocons & they taught me that America is about FREEDOM.

Back to the point, I asked the lady at Starbuck WHY she took on the vegetarian lifestyle? She said it was gods plan & that she could not afford protein. She makes minimum wage and has a child, she's a single mom. She told me her life is not what she dreamed it would be.

The lady  that pours my coffee is one of my new inspirations because now when I see her smile I know the smile on her face is not easy for her to produce but she does it because it's part of her job and her faith.  She told me she feels blessed to simply "have a job."

Her life will get better with her attitude and hard work ethic. It's now my job & other center right bloggers to make sure she has a voice.  

On a previous visit to Starbucks I learned that she has visions of starting her own company and she has dreams to become more than she is today. Because I believe that our current president is not supporting people that want the opportunities to build a business that is independent and not be stifled by excessive government regulations.

America's founding fathers fought for and that's for every citizen to have the opportunity for the American dream.

A Socialized nation is NOT what my grandfather fought for.  Nor did my ancestors throw tea off a boat just to be taxed outrageously by their own nation.

I'm Fighting a battle against NISSAN that's about Crony Capitalism and at the same time I'm part of a war that is for the heart of the country: That's about giving every American the Freedom to Succeed.

God Bless America
