When Reading This Letter About the Cobra Plan I'm On I Realized Obama Can Win

The GOP is NOT addressing the problems with healthcare.

I'm having to move away from My child to find a job- my friend Silverman is helping me find a place to live. The positive is I'm out of TN.  At least in DC I can push for criminal investigations on WHO the whistleblower was abused.

My assets are in a home in Florida which went from 176k in 2001 to 425k down to 200k back up to 275K - most of my Money is in a 401k and an 70k in an emergency fund - sound like a nice cushion but keep reading.

COBRA health care cost $2081 per month (that's just the monthly cost for insurance... I have a 3k deductible + 1500 for prescriptions. My ADD medication is $160 a month and my anxiety medication & sleeping pills are on top of that.

Between the Mortgage on 2 homes the medical and having a child that figure skates I'm lucky I can afford a cup of coffee at Starbucks everyday.

I can't get a divorce because Nissan made me unemployable and then the Obama donor that my daughters dad worked for recently fired him with a VERY stupid reason and they offered a severance that was BeLoew the standard.

ODDLY This was after I blogged about his bosses boss Mr. Tisch's friend Michael Bloomberg giving Nissan a Billion dollar contract KNOWING Nissan does business with Iran.

Another Oddity immediately before my future ex husband lost his job he pointed out an Accounting ethics discrepancy: I'll leave it at that.

Loews has an opportunity to "clean up its act" and I don't want to start a blog called "BeLoew Expectations".

Anyway- I have to work and I know someone will hire me in DC even if it's busy work just to keep my mouth shut. All I need is time to meet with lawyer for my FEDERAL case against Nissan. They've made me UNEMPLOYABLE for 3 years and NOW that my child MUST suffer more & that could be losing the one "stable" in her life

NOW I have to go to our nations capital and BEG Congress to "do the morally right thing" and that's RESPECT the taxpayer and REALLY solve the healthcare crisis in America $2,081 a month for Healthcare ( ObamaCare did NOTHING to lower the cost of Cobra) what Obamacare does is encourages people to sell their assets become broke and live off of the federal government. That is NOT what America is About.

One more thing: Mr. Tisch $1000 stemware is "sweet" some people wondered WHY you "ran it through" the company?

It's time "someone" told the Tisch
To NOT fuck with my child. Their actions and ethics need to be "changed".

Have a Great Day!

