MItt's Bain Capital is Connected to Leaders of Death Squads I'm Connected To... How Cool is That... It's Like I'm Related To Romney

Mitt - In late 1979 early 1980 I attended a boarding school and my El Salvadorian roommate' family  lead death squads.. Do YOU know them?

I need a job....  Maybe you could "reconnect" me with your allies? or I could take Bill Murphy's jobs.  I'm talented.  FYI- Just because I was raised by people connected to Darth Vader types it does not mean that I'm a bad person. 

BEFORE NISSAN outed me for doing research work in my past I was an average carpool mom.  Sir, you need the VOICE of an average person to help you "not embarrass yourself"..... 

Do you want to lose as big as Mondale?

A march by El Salvador’s right-wing ARENA party. ARENA-controlled death squads and military slaughtered an estimated 70,000 civilians.

Bain’s Birth by Death Squads

Romney scrutinized over investments from Salvadoran families that ran a corrupt government, 12 years of murderous civil war and death squads.
Mitt Romney has a debilitating condition that won’t show up in his medical report: severe cognitive dissonance—simultaneously holding conflicting ideas, beliefs and values.
His problem goes deeper than routine hypocrisy and expedient “flip-flopping.” Romney believes that free enterprise serves justice and the public good—and that he and Bain Capital embody beneficence. He also believes that people like him, and businesses like his, make it on the strength of their bootstraps.
And yet the arc of Mitt Romney’s life and wealth betrays the delusions inherent in those myths. First, of course, he was advantaged by birth into a wealthy, powerful family. And then, in 1984 when he started Bain Capital, the company that made him rich, he got significant help from a source antithetical to his Mormon principles—members of Salvadoran families that ran a corrupt government, 12 years of murderous civil war and death squads.
During the civil war, some members of the Salvadoran ruling families sought safe haven for their assets—and asses—in Miami. In 1984, Romney, seeking cash, visited this popular harbor for storm-tossed Latin American oligarchs. The Salvadorans, along with other Latin Americans, invested somewhere between $6.5 million and $9 million in Bain (sources differ), accounting for 33 to 40 percent of outside capital.
