Why is Sharyn Bovat a Republican? More Conservative Bloggers Needed Who Write About the REAL Facts.... IT's the ONLY Way to Have Fiscal Responsibility

GOP Elite 
 Democrats already have a LOT of women....

the GOP needs the Bold-Bitchy& Bright
I became a Republican again because I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.  www.NISSANWhistleblower.com  I'm staying a Republican because?

OK that's tough to answer... I think it's cause y'all need a moderate voice.  I've had to "soul search" because people ask me "how the hell I could be a Republican"  they say I'm too smart to be one :):)  

The reason WHY people make fun of republicans is the IMAGE that they see...  Thank You Sal Russo, Glenn Beck and a few Fox News Regulars.   America is NOW two nations a BLUE one and a Red one....YOU need people like me to make some of those states "purple" and then y'all will see the White House again....... 

RNC decision makers YOU cannot keep feeding the extremist crap to people.... it's not a diet that MOST will digest... Only the people from the less educated states.  Truth hurts... BUT it's TRUE...

We need more CONSERVATIVES who think ..... I've met some really great bloggers at CPAC  (the ones NOT part of the Sal Russo disinformation team) they are really smart and they can help "turn it around"....

I'm a Republican because I'm a fiscal conservative who believes in  less government regulations and Freedom and Democracy I qualify.  
