Blog Posts about GOP from 2009, 2011 & 2012.... Seems Like the Voice of a Moderate is STILL a 2nd Class GOPer.... WHY?

I Knew in Denver I was a 2nd tier Republican when the Debate Event I was Sent to was the "same" one as Michael Steele...

Below I put on my blog after I attended the RNC race for the Chairman's race debate in Washington DC on January 3rd, 2011.

GOP Elite:

Below is my blog post that tells one reason WHY I became a democrat in 1994.  

Basically Haley Barbour's Nephew Henry "scrared the %#@&  out of me when I worked at the 1992 RNC convention.  

Over the last year I've learned from meeting many republicans in Tennessee that the "extreme" views of Henry Barbour are just "his".

Also at the RNC debate I met some fantastic people that made me happy to rejoin the party of Lincoln.

In the winter of 2011 the Tennessee editor Mark Silverman told me at Sambucca  "it was not Haley Barbour responsible for some of the harassment you received, it was an overzelous supporter"

FYI- Henry's dad Jeppie was/is in charge of the Mississippi Tea Party and I "ranted" about the convention in 2010 & then i was followed by a red Titan Truck with Mississippi plates.

Soon I will contact members of congress to get a law passed saying that cars must have front plates and back plates

below is from late fall/early winter 2009
This whole experience has been a puzzle.  When I think the puzzle is solved new pieces emerge.

This website started by my frustration by not being respected as a woman and not respected for the quality work I had done for Nissan in the past.  When I started this web site  my original "thought was someone at Nissan would call me and finally I could tell people about the problems.  Instead I was harassed and bullied.  That was OK for me for it helped prove my point that change needed to happen.

To my surprise my previous  life experiences surfaced and the inner warrior went into "overdrive".  For
years I had done work for the greater good  wanting things like freedom and prosperity available to all.  My contributions were small but  I did what was asked just because I wanted to be apart of an intelligent machine with common goals and beliefs.

Similar to the Good Ole boy attempt to takeover at Nissan, the company "party" I worked for had a  "change in management" . The  change was unacceptable to me .   Having respect for all people is not something I just say it comes from my heart.  An example....George Foreman (a boxer who designed a grill to make a great hamburger) was supposed to speak to the youth at the Internal Battle of Control (RNCconvention 1992) but canceled because of racist comments made by some young republicans.  I was asked to come up with the "excuse" of why he would not be there.  Then tell the youth delegates.  One kid heckled me and made a racist comment and I barked back.... "that book your carrying around has a message.....why don't you read  it".    When a convention official complained that the convention crowd was too "white" and they needed some color for the camera's that night the Good Ole Boy team of 1992 went into action.  They rented buses and future mindless minions were sent out to poor parts of Houston with food vouchers to collect  "token" diversity to attend the convention.
   America....My opinion,  The LA riots  happened because of lack of respect for all people.  When a government or a company has to spend time and money fixing a problem that's less money for health care and other important items.   Those mindless minions that collected "diversity" learned how not to treat people with respect.  Those people that wanted the food vouchers that I saw were treated worse than cattle. My mind is like a tape recorder and the inhumanity and hypocrisy was overwhelming.  One more issue that relates to "performance matters".... My "pink hat"  team had a member that was black.   I asked him to help me on a project.  He said "no"  he was paid to be black.  YES!!!!  The only diversity on the pink hat team did not do anything.   Paid for by a special interest.  Those that hired him  learned to hire diversity that did not perform I know there were qualified diverse people that would have taken the job...happily.  The Good Ole Boys back then wanted someone that would follow blindly.     What I saw at Nissan paralled my experience in 1992,   OUCH!!!!
Working in professional environments in New York City and  the experiences & challenges  from living abroad made me what you see today.   Sharyn Unfiltered.  Asking questions and confident in expressing my opinions.  My goal is to work and enjoy my life. ..................  Having LOTS of time to "think" at Starbucks during the day.  I've changed my Linkedinprofile.  Here it is:

Sharyn Bovat

My life travels & work experience has opened my mind giving me a high CQ (Cultural Intelligence) and I can see clearly how the lack of cultural understanding stifles a company. I'm able to see the bigger picture and assist people from all over the globe in making informed decisions.

**CQ** By understanding "the norm" in other countries.I can give advice to busy executives on emotional needs of the "average" customer.

**Diversity** is essential in today's global economy. My goal is to create environments that are welcoming to all & open to "thought". With new ideas comes innovation. With that comes profits. Win/Win :)

**Relocation** The right People, Process & Technology will allow for more of the "individual" needs of the transferee to be met.

** Unification** Debate and competition (brainstorming) are good and very productive, once a path is chosen the "team" becomes unified and works toward the goal.....SUCCESS.

**Corporate/Individual Outreach** Using the Win/Win concept I believe in developing partnerships with local organizations in ways that are not merely monetary donations but a commitment of making a better society. Creating cultural awareness and educational programs that inspire and promote a healthy global society and planet.

**Respect For All People** this is "critical" for corporate success. It's not just accepting working in an environment that is diverse. It's actively wanting to participate in change & being open to new ideas. Prejudice of any kind is unacceptable. Those that want the "new road" will succeed in this new society.

**Team Building** Provide programs  that "Open Minds".  create brainstorming sessions that can turn dysfunction into function .  the ultimate goal is working as a group.  Sharing Success.   Win/Win.

Have A Great Day!!!!

