UPDATE & Clarification: Bill Murphy- Does Saying YOU Had a Phone Call With Karl Rove Make YOU Feel Like YOU Have a Big Penis..... Seriously... The Tweets Have Got to End... Some Might Believe Your Shit.

Fyi- I've documented your "racist" related tweet and past ... If you think that someone like Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie or any other operative that wants to WIN in 2014 will want to be associated with you,

YOUR wrong.  Can you do me a favor ... tell Jeppies son HI!!!

Actually I don't think I met Austin -  OK I probably did but those boys from Texas and Mississippi ALL look alike.  Bill Murphy - I did work for Henry.

He paid people to be "black"... I have names and photos.  He never hired a former "felon"

It's time to end Racism in the RNC

Have a Great Day!!!


*changed after call - thank you to my viewers.  Reeves is Haley's son.
