Bill Murphy - Ali Akbar I'm Going to CPAC 2013 to Start a New Blog Meant to UNITE the GOP - That is WHY I Applied to BlogBash. My Goal is to Find Common Ground with Wingers From BOTH Sides of the Plane. Are YOU In?

"My odds of getting into BlogBash are equal to this princess getting a date to the prom"  :):) Sharyn

Applying to BlogBash I had flashbacks to high school the self proclaimed GOP "Cool People" including:  Ali Akbar & Bill Murphy/  They're creating a list of "WHO " is acceptable for their party at CPAC.   The fact is they ALL belong to the same HIGH SCHOOL if I get rejected by the BLOGBASH vetting team (led by a man I've bashed on my blog)  I won't be upset - in fact if I get accepted to their "soiree" I will be surprised.  Let's see if Diversity is really the goal.  I want a big GOP tent- do they?  

Still every person enjoys a good reunion now and then.  I want to go because I want to NETWORK and try to unite the GOP Tea Party wing with the "Left" wing of the party.  It's the ONLY way to win in 2014 & 2016.  Boys - The balls in YOUR court. Do you want the GOP to be big tent?

See ya'll at CPAC

Did you check out my Hillary Clinton Lesbian Panda Critique?

If' I'm included as ALWAYS I'm polite.... 
It's fun people watching:):)

This is me last year at BLOGBASH with 
Anita Moncrief....

Yes I can be "brutal"  BUT the Boys from Boston were Brutal to Me.  I'm only "smart enough" not to tweet about HOW I've been bullied. OK I might have done a "little bit O' Blogging:):)

Ya'll started it and I can prove it.    The way I see it is WHOEVER is NOT indicted is on the GOP Team & We're FAMILY:):)

Wallflower644 up180 down
Someone who chooses to observe, instead of experience life.

They know a lot about people, what they are truthfully like, how they actually act when they think no one is paying attention.

Since people have little interest in wallflowers, they usually know a lot about people. The good and the bad.

Wallflowers are not mean, or impolite. They are usually pleasant, and respectful- just shy and/or introverted.

Nontheless, people tend to use the word "wallflower" negatively. What a shame.
The shy girl, or guy in high school that blends in- no one really knows them, but they always seem to be there, in the background.

Teacher- "Pass that paper to Jane."
Student- "Who's Jane?"
Teacher- "The girl that's been sitting two seats behind you all year. She's almost in all your classes."
Student thinks to himself- "It's not my fault she's a wallflower."


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