James Comey - Did Gary Perdue of the Pittsburgh FBI Tell YOU About the Fax? Bob Dickey and Gracia Martore of Gannett - Can YOU Please Report the Truth About John Kiriakou? That Whistleblower is Suffering and He Has 5 Children....

  1. Senator Dianne Feinstein Remember Me?: DOD Whistleblower ...

    7 days ago - DOD Whistleblower Worried About Safety of John Kiriakou ( the CIA Whistleblower ) Sends Fax to Pittsburgh FBI Director Gary Perdue, ...
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Each month I lobby member of congress in hope of something good happening .....

My goal is to make America healthy- I'll be OK if I can just get a job and stop having the life of a whistleblower....  To be candid - being a whistleblower in America SUCKS.  I hope ALL people in America stand up for John Kiriakou - he was RAILROADED and he has 5 children.  Just a few days ago I heard my child tell a friend on the phone... I like Chicago... I'm not bullied here...  My fight for human decency come from my HEART

  1. Senator Dianne Feinstein Remember Me?: DOD Whistleblower ...

    7 days ago - DOD Whistleblower Worried About Safety of John Kiriakou ( the CIA Whistleblower ) Sends Fax to Pittsburgh FBI Director Gary Perdue, ...
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