John Brennan CIA, James Comey FBI, James Clapper, Dan Meyer (IC Whistleblower Director), Caroline Krass (Lady CIA Lawyer Who I Want to Help Me), & Mike Dorris (Ex FBI Guy Who NOW Works at Credit Suisse) iWant RESPECT & think It's Time the DOD Whistleblower Got Resolution (Job with HEALTH INSURANCE) The Release of the Torture Report is a Great Way to End this Chapter of My Life...Unless YOU Want Me To Keep Putting Facts about the Lockerbie Bombing Cover-Up on My Blog. Mu Uncle Bill Frisbie Who Was Chief Pilot of Pan Am Has Dementia NOW So He's Safe From Prosecution. (i Heard He Was Part of the CIA Drug Trafficking .... That's Declassified That Bob Dickey & Gracia Martore of Gannett Won't Let Larry Kramer Report On... So It's Best for Me to Get a Job & "Move On"... Ya'll Agree? If NOT How Much **** Do Ya'll Want on Blogs? The Internal Battle of Control Must Be Almost Over? OMG!!! Google Robert Eatinger CIA (Lawyer on Report 1600 Times Who Didn't Help Me When I Whistle-blew) How Much Did It Cost the Taxpayers to USE ALL That Black Ink to Scrub His NAME - Which is STUPID Cause His Name & the Torture Stuff ALREADY in Wikipedia...

Google the guy that's redacted 1600 times & see my pic.

NOW America knows about the inhumanity.  I don't mind the torturer getting a pardon IF they NEVER go on TV or write books saying it was "justifiable". for too long the torturers have profited on their excuses.  The fact is - 9-11 happened and "it" got out of control.  NOW America has to apologize... Sorry Mitt but you saying America NEVER apologized is wrong... for many reasons.  Here's one: 

NOBODY will want to travel overseas to spy for America "if" they think they'll be tortured "if caught"... 

 I told a NeoFriend a few days ago who argued with me saying torture saved American lives... I told him "bull **** it created enemies and lost us respect.  

Then i ranted... "Do you think I would have traveled to the USSR during the Cold War had I thought I'd get tortured ... NO. .."  The fact is American spies are NOW in trouble... NOT because the report was declassified. People in terrorist nations have known we tortured for a long time. By addressing the fact we tortured the world can forgive and learn to trust us again.  IT's with trust comes cooperation, sharing of data & ultimately PEACE....

Some say my blogs "tortured" the CIA.... 
I hope it's true....

On 11 March 2014, Senator Feinstein gave a speech on the floor of the Senate, addressing Eatinger by title, not by name. In the speech Feinstein said that the CIA had launched two investigations of SSCI staff involved in analysis of the Panetta review, while SSCI staff were producing a document addressing CIA torture activities in which Eatinger himself was involved. Feinstein said the two investigations, launched at the behest of Eatinger, amounted to an attempt at “intimidation”. Feinstein stated that,
There is no legitimate reason to allege to the Justice Department that Senate staff may have committed a crime. I view the acting general counsel’s referral as a potential effort to intimidate this staff—and I am not taking it lightly.
I should note that for most, if not all, of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program, the now acting general counsel was a lawyer in the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center—the unit within which the CIA managed and carried out this program.
From mid-2004 until the official termination of the detention and interrogation program in January 2009, he was the unit’s chief lawyer. He is mentioned by name more than 1,600 times in our study.

  • Robert Eatinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Robert Joseph "BobEatinger (born October 1, 1957) is Deputy General ... He has served as a lawyer in various capacities, in the CIA and Navy during ... was mentioned "over 1600 times" in the classified torture report produced by the SSCI .
  • Robert Eatinger, Lawyer Who Approved Torture Tape ...

    Mar 11, 2014 - And, as Feinstein made clear, Eatinger is a key focus of the report. ... by name, (if I heard Feinstein's claim correctly) 1,600 times in the Torture Report. ... Former CIA clandestine branch chief Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., who ordered ...
  • Robert Eatinger | emptywheel

    Yesterday, Jack Goldsmith defended CIA lawyer Robert Eatinger for referring ... that might be among the 1,600 mentions of Eatinger in the Senate Torture Report  ...
  • Robert Eatinger and CIA's Counterterrorism Center Lawyers ...

    Mar 12, 2014 - Robert Eatinger and CIA's Counterterrorism Center Lawyers' Lies ... be among the 1,600 mentions of Eatinger in the Senate Torture Report that ...
  • Who Is Robert Eatinger? « The Dish

    Andrew Sullivan
    Mar 12, 2014 - A man who helped the CIA conceal evidence of torture is not a man who should play ... Yesterday, DiFi said it was 1600 times in

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