Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer Gets Support from DOD Whistleblower: Sharyn Bovat Says that Development Issues are Tied to a Racist Political Element Linked to the Chamber of Commerce and Haley Barbour
I was the 1st person to wear a Romney Tee shirt in Tennessee for a reason. I did it cause I thought he might win and was scared that if i did not support him then I'd be hurt by those in his administration.
Later I had learned from Mark Silverman the former editor of the Tennessean and Ben Bradlee winner that people linked to the Chamber of Commerce - military industrial complex and building contractors were part of the reason WHY I was bullied. They wanted me to support Haley Barbour. Years ago I had worked for his nephew Henry & I knew that they're linked the element in society responsible for the Martin Luther King bullying. I was SCARED & knowing job creation was bad I supported Mitt Romney… So Dawn Zimmer I BELIEVE YOU!!!
Dawn Zimmer -Thank you for being brave and standing up for ALL of America.
Henry Barbour - I'm at 95% that Your Uncle is Connected to Ex CIA …
http://nissanwhistleblower.blogspot.com/2013/09/scott-becker-why-does-nissan-not-like.htmlFYI- the people linked to allies of Chris Christie are RACIST & a woman who was married to a money launderer for them is being bullied in the Tennessee courts RIGHT NOW.
here's a snip it from CNN interview
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