Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer Gets Support from DOD Whistleblower: Sharyn Bovat Says that Development Issues are Tied to a Racist Political Element Linked to the Chamber of Commerce and Haley Barbour

I was the 1st person to wear a Romney Tee shirt in Tennessee for a reason. I did it cause I thought he might win and was scared that if i did not support him then I'd be hurt by those in his administration.

Later I had learned from Mark Silverman the former editor of the Tennessean and Ben Bradlee winner  that people linked to the Chamber of Commerce - military industrial complex and building contractors were part of the reason WHY I was bullied. They wanted me to support Haley Barbour. Years ago I had worked for his nephew Henry & I knew that they're linked the element in society responsible for the Martin Luther King bullying.  I was SCARED & knowing job creation was bad  I supported Mitt Romney… So Dawn Zimmer I BELIEVE  YOU!!!   

Dawn Zimmer -Thank you for being brave and standing up for ALL of America.

Henry Barbour - I'm at 95% that Your Uncle is Connected to Ex CIA 

http://nissanwhistleblower.blogspot.com/2013/09/scott-becker-why-does-nissan-not-like.htmlFYI- the people linked to allies of Chris Christie are RACIST & a woman who was married to a money launderer for them is being bullied in the Tennessee courts RIGHT NOW.  

The dots are coming together and America is gonna get healthy with courages women like Dawn Zimmer.
here's a snip it from CNN interview



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